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Monday, June 2, 2008

my dream

Ever since my mother died of Breast Cancer it was my constant prayer for God to give me a chance to improve my economic standing and give me more success in all of my undertakings.

I am now busy learning all things about business.

I spend all of my time in this area.

This is the only way that I see better success on my plans of serving a better purpose.

One of it is a Cancer Foundation Named after my Mother.

Shes my inspiration to this and the countless Mothers suffering from the same Illness.

Some of them are Mothers that had been a good friend of my Mom.

Some are Mothers I met while shes on Her therapy.

I am aware of the Expenses of each Chemotherapy session.

And I know how hard it is to an average family.

Some even delay or lost all hope of healing. Some had never completed the therapy because of lack of financial support. Some resort to forms of healing without any medical studies and is proven risky.

Some resort to miracle.

This is not the kind of world that I wanted Mothers to be.
Not the kind of World for the sacrifices and gifts they have given to us.

But I am aware that it is a hard task to perform.
But this is not the time to give up.
The Hope is always present for me.
That help and opportunities will always present itself to its fulfillment.

I saw how hard it is both Financially and Emotionally to deal with Cancer.

I saw how hard it is to carry this burden alone.
How friends come and leave the scenes.
Some willing to help while some are afraid because of the monetary burden together with it.

I personally experience the sacrifices, but this is not a measure of how my mother carry it.
How her real feelings was?

From all of this, I also felt blessed because we were able to prolonged her life for another five years.
But I saw how other mothers failed to experience it.

May this dream be a dream of all who care for their Mothers.

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